AAI JE-ATC Exam 2016: Analysis and Expected Cut-off Marks

AAI in order to mitigate the chronic issue of ATC Officers’ shortage, held the Junior Executive (ATC) or simply JE-ATC exam on 24 April 2016 against the advt no. 07/2015. Total 200 JE-ATC Officers are to be recruited against the Advt 07/2015. JE-ATC exam is quite different from the other PSU Exams (in which a particular branch is eligible). For JE-ATC post candidates of all branches of B.E./B.Tech. and B.Sc. (Maths. and Physics as two of the main subjects)are allowed which results in a diversified syllabus for the exam along with no clear cut directive from AAI in this regard. Candidates have to manage of their own with speculation about level of the questions to be asked in the exam. Last year the level of exam was quite okay with cut-off marks soaring to 62-76 marks (depending on the category).

AAI JE-ATC Exam 2016 Analysis:

Based on the inputs from candidates who appeared in the exam, I have following points to share:

  1. Exam was much tougher than the JE-ATC exams held in 2015.
  2. Candidates found the tech portion quite tougher and Physics Section, to be specific.
  3. Rather than Theory (a trend observed in last two JE-ATC Exam) Physics portions was primarily focussed on numericals.
  4. Because of time-consuming Technical portion candidates were running short of time and hence found it difficult to complete the non-tech portion.
  5. Numerical Ability questions were of good level, instead of basic level that were there in Dec’2015 JE-ATC Exam.

AAI JE-ATC Exam Cut-Off Marks Analysis:

Based on all these inputs, I am expecting that there will be a dip in the cut-off marks, although I still have this premonition that reduction in marks will be small. So the category-wise cut-off analysis as per INCOMOPEDIA is as:

General: 70-74

OBC: 68-72

SC: 62-66

ST: 57-61

Note: This are the expected cut-off marks as per Incomopedia, the real cut-off may vary depending upon the requirement of AAI and performance of candidates in the exam. Incomopedia wishes good luck to all the candidates who appeared in the exam and wish to be a part of Airports Authority of India by joining one the most challenging profession in the world.

ATC Exam Final and Real Cut off

atc exam cut off

You can see there is not much difference between real and our expected cut off marks. Here are some other stats about this exam you might find useful –

  • 2100 Students were called for the Interview
  • 114 was the Highest score (written+Interview)

Hope you find this analysis useful.


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389 thoughts on “AAI JE-ATC Exam 2016: Analysis and Expected Cut-off Marks”

      1. Sir, it’s already June. Can you provide us any idea about the date aai will publish results of ATC written exam?

            1. I am expecting next month. Expect delay as AAI is yet to complete the recruitment process for atc exam held last year Dec.

  1. Sir
    I’m waiting eagerly for you to update the syllabus of JE (Airport Operations). You are my only hope.

    1. Hi Neha, the issue is that I just cannot upload anything without getting any authentic information about it. Some other sites just upload whatever they get on internet but Incomopedia never do so bcz we understand the pain and efforts of candidates trying hard to get their dreams come true. I am trying to get the information about syllabus and will upload as and when I get confirmed and authentic syllabus. Till then practice and prepare for non-tech portion.

      1. Hi Sir,

        Regarding JE (Airport Operations) challan, we have 3 copies in challan form,
        one is applicant’s copy
        another is Bank’s copy
        along with above two, there is an additional copy for DSIIDC (Delhi State Industrial And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited).
        Its written “To be sent to DSIIDC”.
        But in the AAI notification, its clearly written that, dont send any documents to AAI.
        So confusion started here. Do we need to send challan copy to DSIIDC ?
        if yes, please provide the instructions.

          1. What to do with the AAI copy of the challan?… It is only mentioned that the students copy must be kept carefully.

        and 2/2016 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE(IT)? I WROTE MY EXAM ON 17-08-2016.

  2. Dear Sir,

    what is the syllabus of airport exam for eletrical engineering post whose forms are filled by 18 april 2016

  3. Sir, now that the key and questions are available, please update if there’ll be any change in cutoff predictions.

    1. only AAI knows the formula which depends upon various factors like number of vacancies, highest marks, number of candidates appeared etc.

  4. Please update this post now that response sheet is available, also what according to you can be max marks in both shifts?

      1. Is this link still active? Cant find one at the moment..
        Can you share the link in the reply comment if possible?
        Thank you.

  5. With the released answer key am getting 69 sir. General category. Is there any chance to get qualified for the next round?

  6. Written exam Results for 7/2015 will be published only after 3/2015 final results are announced right? In that case we will have to wait atleast till july right sir?

      1. Does the final result of 3/2015 are published? In that case can we expect the result of 7/2015 by this week or the next?

            JUNIOR EXECUTIVE(IT)? I WROTE MY EXAM ON 24-04-2016.

  7. sir i got 66 marks general shift1 and posts are increased from 200 to 400, what are my chances for interview?

  8. 1.sir, why 1810 students extra called for interview, is there any increase in posts
    2. what will be final cutoff general including interview for atc 03/15, i guess 100 or 99 am i correct?

    1. Read cut-off analysis related post available on incomopedia. It has my version of cut off marks for each category

  9. Sir,

    The link you have provided says time out when link will reopen to calculate marks ?? Is there any there link please share

  10. Sir by where i can check my marks of AAI paper(shift-1/24 april) ?
    Sir is there present response sheet of each candidate seperately & where present the answer key ?

    1. AAI has removed the link so wait for it to reload page or declaration of result. Questions are same for a shift but response vary for each candidate

  11. Sir

    I like to apply Airport Operations for the adv 2/2016, Mentioned as LMV license is essential. 2 wheeler license is more than enough or we need to submit 4 wheeler license ??? please reply

    1. You need LMV license which means license to drive four wheelers like cars and two wheelers. You need four wheeler license

  12. Sir there are many wrong answers given by aai especially in english section 2nd shift 24 april, would they rectify it?

  13. Hello Sir, I am checking AAI website regularly for updates but I didn’t find any post regarding Answers or any related posts to ATC held on 24th Apr 2016. But in your website it Is given the link to check cutoff score. Did I really miss to check my score. I have attempted for JE Commercial also this January. Did I miss to check my score for that exam also. Please share information sir. Where do I have to check for results updates.

  14. Where do i see my marks. In the link it shows that you can raise objection but no where are any answers or marks

    1. Wait for activation of result page or result declaration. Nothing else can be done at the moment.

  15. Sir I got 69.205 for atc 3/2015 obc category. Is there any chance of getting selection..
    Is the voice test just qualifing in nature or its mark will be calculated for final results

  16. Dear Sudhir,
    is there any info about the number of candidates who appeared for je atc exam on 24th april ????

  17. Sir i have qualified the written test,my voice test and interview is on 20th june 2016 .I have gone through your interview questions Thanks a lot .Are there any other topics I should concentrate?and do the written exam marks add up with interview marks or its independent?

    1. 1. Read about ATC and Aviation related GK as much as you can.
      2. Final cut off = written+ interview marks

    1. हम उम्मीद कर रहे हैं कि उुपर लिखित परीक्षा का परिणाम जून माह के अंत तक आ जाएगा!

  18. Sir,
    I went through the link which provided by you for getting my marks in the atc exam held on april 2016 but it didnt show anything except an objection bar. How do i get my marks? please reply

  19. Dear, sir.. Would u like to tell me… Which type of questions they r asking in junior executive atc interview. It is 2nd phase interview for advt no 03/2015.

    1. All the questions which incomopedia can think of are available on incomopedia. No candidate has shared his/her experience of second phase with us. Plz share your experience so that we can update he same on incomopedia.

      1. Sir.. My interview is on 20th may.. I will share my experience after my interview.. I m not so conservative.

  20. Sir,when would the je commercial and je cargo exam which were held in January be declared, as it has been more than three months.

        1. AAI will hopefully upload syllabus. In mean time you can start preparation with gate subjects and remember level of questions will be quite easy as compared to GATE. Basic of JE 16400, exam hopefully in July

    1. It will be different. Do have required two years experience in Aviation? It is mandatory to apply for the post.

  21. Sir,
    As final result for ATC -03/2015 is already declared. Result for the ATC exam held on 24th April 2016 should also declare soon right.
    do u have any updates on it?

    1. first wait for the result declaration of JE-ATC against Advt No. 07/2015. exam was held on 26/12/2015.

  22. For je airport operation ..at one place you have mentioned , 60 questions related to airport operation and in the syllabus link you have Mentioned 60 questions related to science and management …what exactly to follow..

  23. Sir I get 55 -obc for 24 April afternoon batch without including those mistakes in the key .If I consider them as correct I will be getting 65. Any chance for me to get selected ?

  24. Sathish Kumar. R


    Sir pls share result date for the exam held on 24th April 2016. U have already mention result will be announced on June.

    1. Is this a query or an information ?? If it is a question then let me tell you that AAI is not some IIT that has fixed schedule of exam and interview declaration. Everything keeps changing here.

  25. Hello sir,

    If I qualified for attending interview of aai je atc then would aai give any alert to me

  26. Considering the increase in seats in JE-ATC exam held on 24th april, do you think the cut off will remain same?

      1. Sir, is there any possibility of further recruitment in ATC JE post with the eligibility of B.sc in physics for applying in this running year ?

    1. There are certain admin reasons which are beyond the knowledge of us. Also I am expecting further delay in declaration of result as last atc interview has been stretched too far due to second phase of interview.

  27. hi bro, if you have any info about the JE ELECTRICAL advt 02/2016 exam date please do inform us. can you say the expected exam date(month and week).

  28. sir
    please comment on lower cut of final selection of atc adv.no 03/2015 which held on 26 dec for obc catagory.
    discretly (cbt+interview)

      1. sir , actually I have read some post in “Pagalguy” , they have said that there occur a discrimination in the preparation of the final result. Some people said that they have not qualified after getting a good sum of marks in the written examination. For this they are going to take some legal action against AAI authority.

        Is it possible to change the result by taking legal action in the court against it?

        1. IT IS NOT THAT EASY, YOU NEED SOME EVIDENCES OF WRONG DOING…JUST BY GOING TO COURT IS NOT A SOLUTION. If you fee cheated, file RTI and know exact cut-off and related info.

  29. Hello sir
    I got selected 4 d post of ATC under advt 03/2015.i would like to know when can we expect the joining letter and aslo plz give me the details about medical examination
    ThanQ in advance

      1. Ya ok sir.
        Sir,what could b d posibl tym gap between issue of joining letter and date of joining?
        On what criteria they will alot d training center?

  30. 03/2015 ATC-JE , the entire process took a long time, with uneasy procedures of revising scores and conducting interview in haphazard manner- in parts. In a Exam-group Forum, I came across comments were most candidates/aspirants have accused AAI of being not transparent about the selection process, infact nepotism and corruption allegation were common- is there any truth about these comments about the process??

    I had given ATC-JE 2016, for which the exam was really tough.The keys which were provided in the link had lot of errors, depicting carelessness or inept handling of the process. When the question were of the higher standard, one is forced to understand that AAI want really good people, which is appreciative, but unprofessional / poor process handling, just throws reputation of AAI into the dustbin.

    As I understand from your comments above, ATC JE 2016 result would be out by August.From all the chaos about malicious comments I saw about AAI in the forum, your website provided a better understanding of AAI & its recruitment process.And, It gives a good feeling.

    The cutoff mentioned also looks very probable.Is there any section cut off??

    Thanking you and Please carry on with your good work.

    1. 1. Candidates can say or write whatever they want but truth is AAI is quite transparent as it published question papers, answer keys, link to check your marks, cut off along with result. What else one can expect?
      Yes, handling was inept but I feel this was mistake of exam conducting agency (AAI give charges to some other company to conduct online exam on its behalf).
      2. There is no sectional cut off. All the information about exam is available in my post “How to prepare for AAI ATC Exam”

  31. Sir,d final selection list of je electronics under advt no.03/2015 was declared on 11th may 2016.
    I wud lyk 2 know whether these selected candidates got their joining letters or not?
    If yes,then on what date they got their joining letters?

  32. Sir,
    I got selected as JE ATC under adv 03/2015. I got offer letter today. In the letter they said that I have to show the certificate in support of date of birth. But I have no date of birth certificate.
    If I show them my matriculation certificate as proof of DOB , will there be any problem?

    I have another question.

    They send me a form for the acceptance of offer of appointment which I have to fill up and send through mail on or before 15/07/16.

    There remain a sentence like this-
    ” please refer to your_____________ dated___________ offering me the post of Junior Executive (ATC) in Airport Authority of India. ”
    What should I fill in the blanks in the above sentence?

  33. Sir,i got offer letter for je atc under advt.03/15.
    If i put a request,will aai change the training location?
    Is shuffling of training location between two candidates is allowed or not?

  34. when the result of JE ATC will be declared held on 24 April 2016?
    you mentioned in july end in atc news but are there smy chanves for the result to be declared in mid of july?

  35. Sir,in the offer letter it has been mentioned that the candidate has to contact the chief medical officer/Govt. Hospital of the area 4 medical examination.
    Here the word AREA refers to which place?
    How would the medical officer of that place knows what sort of medicl tests he should conduct?
    Sir please give details regarding this medical exam

    1. no information about the exact date of result. My opinion – It should take little more(At least one more month)

    1. What! I mean what! This is my website and I can delete anything on it I want. By the way I am not deleting anyone’s comment. Comments stay unpublished to public until they are pending for approval. You can see them only after my approval. Some ATC aspirants are highly disgraceful. They keep asking same question again and again. They never read same previous comments. You have to understand this – “All the information and opinions available on Incomopedia are personal views of the author. Incomopedia does not represent AAI in any form whatsoever. Also Incomopedia will not be liable for any incomplete, partial or wrong information.” Only AAI can tell you the exact date of result not me. Neither you nor AAI is paying me to stay here all the time answering same question again and again.

  36. Mr. Sudhir sheoran,
    It is great that u are doing atleast something. But it is dissgracefull that u answer to ur priority queation only. And deleteting the rest. It’s too bad sign of your inner strenth. I just ask about the 24/04/2016 Atc exam result. And you deleted my post. Anyways thanks.

    1. Sir , I am not going to announcing the result of adv. 7/2015, Airport Authority of India has to declare that and I expecting that in October.

  37. Sir,on one website they had written that vacancies of adv no.07/2015 is increased upto 400
    Is it true ?
    Bcs I forget that website.

  38. Sir i got 96.9 marks in ATC 03/2015 ..obc cut off is 100.86 … is there any chance for me in 2nd or 3rd list … 94 aspirant did not join according to airport officail … kindly render your view in my issue …

    1. Hello.. Did get you get job in the 03/2015 recruitment? If u got it, in which list? 2nd or 3rd?
      I got 90marks and cutoff for OBC is 92.308 in 07/2015 recruitment. Will I be able to get the job? Please reply.. Thanks in advance 🙂

  39. Sir…when will the result be announce of Jr.executive ATC which is held on 24 April 2016.. Can u plz tell me expected month or date..

  40. Sir i want to know my marks and cutoff marks against the 03/2015 JE ATC exam. I have files rti for it but i havenot recieved reply. Even i filed now to appealate authority but i havenot got the reply even after 15 days. Can you plz tell me what to do now to get this information? And can you plz tell me when will the second list be published for 03/2015.
    Thank you

  41. Sir Query is regarding 07/2015.I want to know what would be the effect of normalisation , Which shift (1 or 2) is going to get benefitted and by how much marks?

  42. Sir I have given interview for ATC 03/2016 in the first phase of the interview I have not been shortlisted in the recently released selected candidates list by AAI . Is there a possibility of a second list from the same recruitment ? Thank you in Advance.

    1. Under unwarranted circumstances AAI conducted interviews in the second phase based on corrected evaluation of answer sheets which does not happen every time. We don’t expect such second phase interviews in future.

  43. When will the airport operation exam be conducted?

    I got 60 in atc exam of April 16.I am in obc category. Any chance of getting selected?

  44. I got 63 marks in 7/2015atc of obc category. Is there any chance of getting selected. When will junior executive cargo and commercial result will come ?

  45. Sir,
    Is the result of JE (ATC) 07/2015 held on 24/4/16 published or not ? If published please provide me with the link to access my result ?

  46. Sir,
    Is there any chance for 3rd list to come?I m asking dis jst to get an idea.My marks is 104 and 2nd list cutoff is 104.869.May i expect my name in 3rd list??jst need ur opinion.

    1. Although third list is highly unexpected, but you might have chances if a large number of candidates in second list do not join AAI. All the best.

  47. hello sir,
    Today I hear from some one, there is no interview for ATC_07/2015(24th April exam). is it correct news sir. i want to know. please clearify as soon as possible. if you have detailed advt. of this exam please send me on this email id bcz this is not avialable on aai website

  48. Sir….when will be declare the result of aai ATC exam which is held on 24/04/2016 under Advt. No. 07/2015..
    Can u plz tell expecting month??

  49. sir….how can check answers because i did not remember the answers…..so can u plz tell me that how will be show my answer sheet so that i could match the answers from answer sheet that is declared on the site of aai….
    aai atc exam which is held on 24/04/2016….

    1. they will upload candidates’ response sheets on their website. wait for that to be uploaded, then you can check.

  50. sir,,,when will be upload response sheet on the site through which we can check our answers from answer sheet of jr. executive atc exam under 07/2015…..

  51. Is der possibility of cancellation of the recruitment…as they have cancelled sr.asst recruitment n before too they have done for some other exam n refunded the fee.

    They can’t do for ATC 07/2015 na…as online exam have been conducted .!!!!!!!

    1. Result will be declared by Nov. end or Dec. starting. There are certain admin and training issues for delay in declaration of result.

  52. Please give the cut off mark for AAI Assistant (HR) job exam conducted on 23.10.2016. Also please give if possible the percentage of people who will be selected for the Skill test round. The total number of candidates who wrote the exam is close to 5000. When will the joining date be for Assistant (HR) with AAI.

  53. Sir plse tell me the declaring results exat date for jr atc 7/2015. Exam held on 24/4/2016.i am waiting from six months this results

  54. Sir it is updated that we can expect results only in December 2016 .. is that final..what do you think ?? will they publish..? its been 6 months we are waiting for the results..

  55. sir….november is going on..when will be declare the result of aai atc exam under advt. no.07/2015 which is held on 24/04/2016…..and still i am not able to check my answers because respose sheet of the student is not available on the site ??

  56. Sir I have got 74 marks in ATC adv 07/2015, in general category what are my chances and plz clarify about normalization if any???

    1. Actual cutoff vary every time but 74 is good score. you can expect selection for interview round. Normalization formula is known only to AAI. They normalize 120 score to a scale of 100 while considering various parameters.

  57. Hello Sir,
    I want to know whether in Air Traffic Controller,eye power is taken into consideration while selecting candidates.I have eye power above -4.5(myopia). Would it be acceptable if shortlisted?
    Thanks in advance.

  58. exact date cannot be declared as we are not in HR department of AAI. but Dec month is high-time for result declaration. So many factors are playing role in this. first time in last 5 years ATC result declaration has been hold for such a long period. Have patience, it is always useful. good luck.

    1. Yes, I do agree with you, but these things are beyond control of each of us. By last week result is expected. First time ATC result has been held for so long due training issues and mass recruitment.

  59. sir,this is end of december still there is no notification that when will be announce the result of aai atc under advt. no. 07/2015?
    can u please tell us when will disclose the result?

        1. I can understand your situation. but Now it appears that only God knows when AAI will declare result. We will update you guys ASAP if we get any news about it.

  60. sir, December is going to end but still there is no notification about AAI JE 7/2015 result. it’s result come or not? we are expecting the reult whole 8 months. Plz tell us when disclose the result.

    1. I can understand that. but Now it appears that only God knows when AAI will declare result. We will update you guys if we get any news about it.

  61. Guys, Now only I called AAI and asked about the result 7/2015 they said It will takes a month to declare the result . 011246329502426 this is AAI NUMBER .

  62. About 07/2015 AAI ATC recruitment:-
    Hi sir,
    Is there any chance of cancellation of this recruitment… because i have heard from someone who is as a assistant manager in atc department… please confirm if u also know abt it
    Thank you

    1. Leave it when jan end would come, they would say that it would now come in March, they are saying this from October

  63. Guys,today I called AAI and asked about the result 7/2015 they said It will be come on the next month but they are not sure.

  64. sir,
    Most of them are saying the recuirement from atc 7/2015 is cancelled and the official notification will come shortly . Is this true of fake news plz clarrify . when we expect the result.

  65. SIR,
    Any updates from AAI about atc exam result 7/2015. most of them are said it will be going to cancel is this true or fake? when we expect the result?

  66. Result is going to be declared in this week or most probably in 2- 3 days
    HR talked seriously and gave the info. He said now not more than this week is confirm and interviews will be soon

        1. They are already asking 2100 candidates to appear in interview for 400 posts. Why do they need to issue second list for interview? There will not be any second list for interviews. Second list is generally declared by any recruiter after completion of interview round. That also when selected candidates in first list do not join the organisation.

  67. Sudhir sr …
    Im thankful to u that i got selected for the voice test & interview…..today i have chacked my result….
    Sr i want more information about next process days
    30 days …if confirm ….then it may be in march…ok am i right…..sr today im very happy …to see my result since 8 months…..thank u sr plz help me for next process….

  68. Hello sir, what sort of questions can be asked in he cargo interview, please help asap I am totally clueless about it as no info is available on internet.


    SIr when was final results announced for exam conducted in December? I gave my interview for exam conducted on April 24 when do u expect results to be out?

    1. Keep checking incomopedia.com for updates. Result is expected in a month or two after completion of interviews.

    1. When will the second list of 07/2015 recruitment be out? What are my chances in second list ?
      I got 90 marks while for OBC cutoff in first list was 92.308….

  70. Sir, I applied for RTI and got to know that I got 90 in AAI ATC 07/2015 Examation(Written as well as interview). The cutoff for OBC is 92.308 and through some sources I got to know that 70-80 ppl didnt report for training this year. Now, can I expect my name in second list? assuming that among the 70ppl, 20 are OBC, will I be able to get into AAI this time?
    Thanks in advance 🙂 🙂

    1. If you have done so much efforts then you could have also asked about your sequence in case of second list. Jokes apart, there are 50-50 chances of your selection in second list as there is a difference of 2 marks with only 20 candidates to be selected. Good luck.

  71. When will the second list of 07/2015 recruitment be out? What are my chances in second list ?
    I got 90 marks while for OBC cutoff in first list was 92.308….

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