How to Prepare for AAI Air Traffic Controller’s Interview

In this post, I am extending my last article which was about the written test preparation for the post of Jr. Executive (ATC) examination.  Post written test results, the successful candidates (around three times of total vacancies in number) are called for a voice test and interview which is the last part of the selection process.

Air Traffic Controller Interview Preparation

Let’s first understand the importance of a Job interview. It’s a tool used by an employer (or representative of employing organization) for the selection of desired employee(s). An interview is basically conducted to test the communication skills, presence of mind, and quick decision-making capability of the candidate.

Generally, Interviews are held in four cities viz. New Delhi (For Northern Region), Mumbai (Western region), Chennai (Southern Region), Kolkata (Eastern and NE Regions).

I will start with the Voice test as it precedes the interview.

Voice Test for Air Traffic Controller

On the day of the interview, first, you will have to undergo a voice test which is followed by an interview.  A Voice test is mandatory for the post of ATC(Air Traffic Controller) as the job profile requires day to day basis interaction with Pilots as well as with various other ATC units. So the voice test is conducted to ensure that candidate has good English language speaking fluency and is not stammering. To check this, a printed page is given which is required to be read by the candidate. The page basically has some sample phraseology used by Pilots/ATC. This is just a cakewalk for the candidates with a clear voice.
EDIT: I have written an article on ‘How to prepare for Voice Test’. It has two sample Voice Test papers. You can read the article here:

Note: Although, in your Interview letter it is mentioned that candidate will have an option to respond either in Hindi or English my advice is to keep your conversation in English only with the official conducting this test.

After the voice test, you will be asked to wait for your turn for the interview. Just relax during this waiting period and try not to pay attention to the candidates boasting of their academic background or no. of tests they have cleared. Remember that you all are in the same boat at that moment and no one is superior or inferior. Avoid negative thoughts as they may hamper your chances of getting selected.

Now let’s move to the interview round which is the final hurdle for you to be part of this prestigious profession.

Interview for Air Traffic Controller :

It will be a Panel interview where senior officials of AAI(Airport Authority of India) will be judging your knowledge and communication skills. Usually, the interview board consists of 4 to 5 panelists.

So can we cross this hurdle with ease? Yes, you can do it. Here are some important points you should consider during the interview:

  1. Respond to the questions in English only, it really helps.
  2. Do not be anxious during the interview, they can sense it. So be comfortable.
  3. Be yourself and do not try to bluff at all. In case you don’t know the answer, simply admit to it instead of giving a wrong answer.
  4. Sometimes they will ask you to describe one of the objects installed in the Interview room like a TV, Projector, etc. which is basically for testing your fluency in spoken English. So just read a bit about these objects.
  5. Try to make eye contact while answering the questions.
  6. Do not tell them that you have cleared some other PSU’s exam or are waiting for a joining letter; it will create a doubt in the mind of the interviewer about selecting you because no one wants to select a candidate who may leave the organization any time.
  7. Last but not the least, have a smile on your face; it is the best thing to have…even in trouble when you don’t know the answer!! But do remember that an excessive smile reflects nervousness and lack of confidence.

Edit: Memory Test: Short-term memory is very essential for an ATC Officer. So be ready for this test where the panelist will test your short-term memory. What they really do is each one of them will ask you one question one by one and you have to listen and remember all these questions, then you will be asked to answer all the questions in the same sequence as they were asked. So you will be required to remember 5 questions and their sequence and then answer accordingly. 

Potential Questions/Topics for ATC Interview :

I am aware that you all must be waiting for the potential questions which are asked during the interview. The topics vary from the knowledge of working of ATC to the geography of the world. In this section, I will try to cover as many topics as possible. The questions/topics are as:

  1. Your brief introduction.
  2. Your Project work during B.Tech./B.Sc.(if any).
  3. Job Experience, if any and why do you want to join AAI(Airport Authority of India)?
  4. About AAI(Airport Authority of India): Number of airports it manages, Chairman of AAI, when AAI was constituted etc.
  5. History of Indian civil aviation: first flight, Pilot, in which year India celebrated 100 years of civil aviation etc.
  6. What is Air Traffic Control? How is it done? How was controlling done before the satellite era?
  7. Various terms related to ATC functioning like GBAS, SBAS, ADS-B, NDB, ILS, VOR, etc. Just have an idea about these technologies/systems; they don’t expect you to be a master of them.
  8. What is GAGAN? Gain as much knowledge about this joint venture of AAI and ISRO. How do GAGAN works? How is it different than GPS?GAGAN & RADAR are “must know” topics for ATC interviews.
  9. What is GPS and how does it work? The minimum number of satellites required for the operation of GPS?
  10. Different satellite-based augmentation systems in the world e.g. GLONASS, Galileo
  11. Basics of aerodynamics: Use of Rudder, Flaps, Elevator, etc., How does aircraft fly? Bernoulli’s Principle, different forces on the aircraft.
  12. Type of fuels used in aircraft.
  13. What is Knot (speed)? 1 Nautical Mile= ?(distance in metres)
  14. Types of Airports: Green-field, Brown-field airport, etc.
  15. Latest news related to Civil Aviation or aircraft incidents/accidents. e.g. Flight MH17.
  16. Where is the tallest ATC tower in the world and India?
  17. Name of the operators of private airports like Delhi, and Mumbai.
  18. Who is the Civil Aviation minister of India?
  19. Difference between Track, Heading, and Bearing.
  20. Speed of sound? What is Ultrasonic aircraft?
  21. Radar: How Radar is used in ATC(Air Traffic Control), different bands of Radar frequencies, Equation of Radar Range, the difference between Primary and Secondary Radar, Blind speed, CW Radar, FM Radar, and other types of Radar, staggering PRI, False alarm, etc.
  22. Electromagnetic waves and their propagation; Line-of-sight communication, Layers of atmosphere, Ground-wave propagation, Space-wave propagation, Skip distance, Critical frequency, Virtual Height, fading, Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR), etc.
  23. Basic Physics phenomenon and Principles.
  24. The special theory of relativity
  25. Simple antenna questions/formulae like Impedance, VSWR, etc.
  26. Diodes: Forward and Reverse biasing of a diode, Avalanche and Zener Breakdown, etc.
  27. Read a little bit about satellite communication e.g. what are uplink and downlink frequencies?
  28. Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
  29. Simple geography questions like what is GMT, why International Date Line is not straight? If it is winter in Australia then which season is in India? Time zones and the concept of daylight saving, how weather change etc.
  30. About United Nations organizations and their HQs.

PS: I have tried to assemble potential questions (mentioned above) for AAI ATC Interview in a series of 5 Articles. There are total of 65 questions. I hope you will find them useful for the interview preparation. Read the questions on the below link. I wish you all the best in your interview. 

Edit: Read the latest post about important definitions and terms like ADS-B, SSR, SBAS, GBAS, Runway, Flight Level, etc for ATC Interview Preparation. Link is:

Important Terms and Definitions for JE-ATC Interview


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284 thoughts on “How to Prepare for AAI Air Traffic Controller’s Interview”

  1. Sir can you please tell something in detail about the interview for the post Junior Executive Electronics at AAI. How it wil be different from ATC interview? I’ll be really very grateful to you.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      It will be basically technical interview as the post desires. ATC interview is all about aircraft, atc and related aviation based question whereas in JE-Elx interview focus is more on technical subjects and B.Tech. Interview.

  2. Hi sir,

    In AAI site, saw that a second phase of interview is being held for ATC 03/2015, for which interview was already done. A revised answer key is also published. Will this impact those who had the first interview?

      1. Thanks for your answer. So the final result will come only after the second phase interview is over, right? When do you think it will come?

          1. Hello sir as i gave my interview in 1st phase , so plz clear will it affect our chance to get selection as an ATC..? cz seats are fix.. and interview candidates are increases.. now ? thnx

  3. Hi sir
    Mai i know that what might be the reason for calling additional 1231 candidates for already held interview with fixed number of posts. Since for 400 posts it became 2267(1036+1231) now. Will there be any chances in increasing of number of posts.

  4. Chitralekha Lamba

    Sir can you please tell me the expected date of online exam according to the advt no. 07/2015. I haven’t received my admit card yet! Please help..
    Thank you..

    1. sudhir sheoran

      As expected by incomopedia (exam by April end): 24th April. Check your mail for admit card download link.

  5. sir my JE ATC interview on 10 may 2016
    what I can expect in voice test, is there reading news paper/ magazines or ATC-Pilot interaction phrases?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      It doesn’t make any difference whether you read magazine or atc-pilot interaction. Just read confidently and clearly whatever they ask you to read

  6. Hello sir,im an engineering graduate in computer stream. So how i prepare for the atc i prepare for maths and physics only or my computer science subject not sure about the technical me out.

    1. Math and physics for tech part. Various posts related to exam preparation are available at Incomopedia plus take a cue from last year exam

  7. Sir.. As per the result for 3/2015 Jr ATC I’ve not cleared the cut off. Now I have received a call letter for interview and voice test at Delhi. Is it genuine? My normalised score is 72 and the minimum cut off is 74.

  8. sir is there any need to join coaching for interview or just read incomopedia interview preparation tips is enough. thankx

    1. There are enough questions available here. Apart from these you need to improve general awareness….thats all. Read about aviation, clouds, aircraft, your town, your project etc.


        1. Sir, will they send interview letter to all the 1200(approx) candidates again,, or there is an revised cutoff again for phase 2 for 3/15

  10. Hi,

    Is there any chance the interview result of the first batch of candidates which was held in March for ATC 3/15 will be published anytime soon?

  11. Dear Sir,

    There is an upcoming exam of junior executive in various branches . I am interested and eligible for airport operations and therefore would like to know the detail syllabus of the same. request you to please help in providing the syllabus of airport operations.

  12. hi sir
    .i have my name in revised 2nd list
    please give me some tips as this is the chance i have . becoz i didn’t appeared for 24th april exam. i am from ece branch. what kind of question will be asked from ece subjects
    as i am not in touch with them since long time. my gk ,histrory are strong.technical is very how should i go with my preparation.

  13. Sir, against our expectations revised second list for 3/2015 was released with more number of candidates than previous list. So in total 2800 plus for 400 posts!! Is there any possibility that they will increase number of vacancies?? If not competition will be high considering the ratio of 1/7 atleast . What is your take on this sir?

  14. Hello sir,
    Thank you very much for providing those details. I am a B- tech grad. and preparing for UPSC (civils) and only in last week have given an i’view. Kindly help me to connect with any successful candidate and/or an interviewee in first round.
    I will be grateful to you.
    thank you!

  15. Sir, revised second list was announced with 1800 candidates. 600 more than last time. In total 3000 called for 400 posts!!! is there any possibility that AAI will increase the number of vacancies? Competition too high 1:8 now. What is your take on this sir?

  16. Hi Sudhir Sir,

    I have been called for the interview/voice test for ATC 3/2015. I have 2 questions to you sir…

    1. Is the interview list in the AAI website according to candidate’s merit order?
    2. Will the marks in the aptitude test also be considered for final selection or is it only based on the performance in the interview/voice test?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Book the railway ticket. AAI will give you fare for the shortest route. On the day of interview you need to produce ticket and they will pay you. When is your interview?

      1. Sir, my interview is on 16th june. Sir, I am weak in speaking english as i have completed my study in bengali medium. Should i go to the interview? But sir i can understand and reading fluently.

        1. sudhir sheoran

          You must go and attend it. You never know what God has planned for you. All the very best dear.

          1. Sir,, i have booked the railway tickit. But sir did some mistake. Instead of booking only my tickit seperately i have booked two tickit one for mine and one for my uncle in a single tickit which amounts to total cost of me and my uncle. Now sir i want to know will there be any problem for getting my single rail fare?

            1. sudhir sheoran

              Just try to make them understand…hopefully there wont be any problem. Good luck for your interview.

  17. sir I applied for ATC (information technology ) post.Does Question asked in interview for ATC(IT) and ATC (ELECTRONIC ) both are different .

    What kind of Question I can expect for ATC (IT) . will it be B.TECH technical or related to AIRCRAFT only.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      For IT, it will be technical (IT) plus questions related to general awareness.And there in no post like ATC-IT. Its JE-IT.

      1. Sir… I would like to know “Is there any medical after interview process”… If yes…candidate suffering from color blindness is eligible for ATC post?

  18. Hi Sir,

    I am working in TCS. Do I need to show NOC from TCS ?
    I did not understand the meaning Autonomous body mentioned in interview letter.
    As mentioned in letter , central govt , PSU or Autonomous body working candidate need to show NOC .

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Please read Cut off analysis article available on our blog. It has all the prediction by Incomopedia

  19. Argha Banerjee

    Sir I have done my B.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering but in the advertisement it is mentioned Electronics Engineering . Will it create any problem at the time of interview? My interview is on 17th May 2016 and I have to go all the way from Kolkata …… so it will be a long way back if I am not allowed to appear for the interview.

  20. Hello Sudhir Sir,
    I am from Electronics & Instrumentation branch. I have cleared the JE-ATC online test and is going to have the interview in May, 2016. But I am not that strong in Electronics part as I am in Instrumentation. But what they mostly ask technical is from ECE/ Communication part. So I am a bit tensed. Plz hepl.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Read about ATC and Aviation. It will help you a lot. You are appearing in interview for ATC post not JE-Electronics.

  21. sir
    i have applied for airport operation( adv no-2/2016) …. i want to apply for electrical also so do we need to fill up differernt application form????

      1. Sir that means interview have already been held for the 26th December,2015 in first phase. They are conducting interview again in second phase to fill the vacancy? Am i right?

  22. Chitralekha Lamba

    Sir, approximately when will the final result come( advt 07/2015) the exam was held on 24 april 2016

  23. Rajan Bhindia

    when will be the written exam of Advt 7/2015 to be held and how can I download admit card. please tell me.

  24. sir,
    as per the interview call letter I have an option of Hindi & English to attend interview. Is there any negative point if I attend interview in Hindi. T
    ell me some plzz

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Although it is mentioned but my suggestion will be reply the questions in English only. You are joining ATC Profession where you need to speak in English only.

  25. Sir, i am little weak in speaking english as i have completed my study in bengali medium. But i can read and understand english well. Then should i go for interview?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Don’t worry about all this now. This is not the right time for it. Just go and impress them with your knowledge. All the best.

      1. Sir , i have not receivedmy certificate of graduation yet. As per our calcutta university rule it is given after one year . I have cmpleted my in 2015 and they will prodide me the certificate on august 2016, Sir pls tell me if i go for interview without cerficate will the allow me for interview. What can i do now sir?

        1. sudhir sheoran

          You can provide Provisional Certificate and print out of that rule by university you are mentioning.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Obviously rail tickets otherwise why would anyone will travel in train? Plz share your interview experience to improve content at incomopedia.

  26. Sir
    Is the interview call letter for aai 3/2015 that I got through mail same as that available in the Aai site??

    Iam not able to login to the Aai site to get the same, telling that my registration I’d is invalid

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Letter received on email is valid one. Go with it. Good luck and plz share your interview experience with us.

  27. Rejo Abraham Mathew


    I have applied for Junior Executive (Airport Operations). I would like to know the Interview Question & Online Test Pattern.
    Also, could you tell me a brief job description of a Junior Executive (Airport Operations) in India?

    Thank you so much. This page is really useful as it cleared many of my doubts. God bless you sir!

  28. Hii..sir in adv.7/15 it was written that ICAO lavel 4 is required for ATC..
    I am confuse who giv such certificate.. ya traing pe diya jyega.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      There will be exam for this certificate during training…on successful completion of this you will get the certificate

  29. Hi Sir,
    I have been working as a software engineer for more than 2 years in an MNC. I have my interview for ATC in June. I am really tensed as I am not in touch with the Electronics and Cmmunications things since a long time. Can you please provide me with some suggestions for cracking this interview considering this fact.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      All I can tell you, is already available on incomopedia. There are around 7-8 posts, Go through all these posts related to JE ATC Interview. All the best dear.

  30. sir my interview experience was excellent.they ask me very logical question on aircraft and about runways. my interview was for around 25 minute but i have only 70 marks in written in obc. is there any chance of final selection?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Your interview was good one thatswhy it extended for around 25 minutes so congrats for that. If possible please share the questions asked in interview (as many as you remember) on the link given below. we are compiling the questions for interview related posts.
      looking forward to get your experience and questions in details.

  31. pratikshya borthakur

    sir, is the final merit list on the basis of just interview score or is it on the basis of written plus interview? the thing is my written exam’s normalised marks is 68 which is almost at the bottom of the list.

  32. sir, Im having AAI JE ATC interview on june16. the same day I got to join in TCS but I thought of rescheduling my TCS joining and attend AAI interview instead as im more interested in this job. Is this a wise choice ? And should I reveal this during my interview ? MY normalized score is 69 (which i think i very low) and I belong to obc category and what are my chances if i do well in the interview ?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Obviously if you do good then you will be selected. You have to decide between private and public sector. Choice is yours. Just appear in the interview, see how does it go. If you think you have done great then decide whether to join tcs or not. ATC job will give u job security, money, time and status but at the cost of stress.

      1. thank u so much sir this helps
        and one more thing should I tell that I have already placed in TCS during my interview ?

  33. Sir when can i expect 26th dec written+ interview result..and joining date..?
    as interview are still going on..?

      1. To figure out if I could get selected for the job if I perform to my best in the interview.
        And also it would help me to understand how much i should score in written test next time.

        1. sudhir sheoran

          If you give your hundred percent in interview then you wont need to write the test again. So be positive and prepare as much as you can. You never know what will happen next time.

  34. Sir I have seen lots of students on pagalguy saying that 2nd phase list is merely a formality .What do you think ?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      AAI will not do some formality bcz it hampers the day to day working at Headquarters. People are not there to waste the time for sake of formality.

  35. Hi sir,
    Sir I have seen on pagalguy page a number of students are saying that 2 nd phase list of 03/2015 is merely a formality . Also ,sir the normalized marks which we are able to see in the link on the website is again going to change .Please advice.

      1. The normalized marks which we are able to see on the website will be changed or not after the revised key

  36. Sir do you have any idea regarding the probability of AAI publishing the recruitment notice for the post of JE ATC in near future. As I have done my graduation in physics with math so I want to apply for this post and want to start my preparation from now.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Hi…i am expecting next recruitment by mid of next year. But there is no guarantee bcz there is not some fixed patten for recruitment. All the best.

  37. sir
    i am a passout in 2015 but i had to give improvement exam in december 2015 to get 60%.I have not got my certificate with imp improved marks.Will it affect in any way at the time of my interview of adv. 03/2015 ?

  38. The interview letter says to bring Higher secondary school certificate. I have completed my 12th from Hyderabad. Its meant to be 12th marksheet?? Or some other document?
    If its something else, what can be done as the interview is scheduled on 7th june?

  39. Hi Sir. I don’t have latest OBC certificate but I have OBC that was issued in 2014. Will it be acceptable? Will they allow me for the interview?

      1. Sir ,now I don’t have valid OBC .my interview scheduled on 13.what should I do ? I am from Hyderabad.

        1. sudhir sheoran

          You can take chance by attending interview although I don’t think they will consider your request. I am wondering what were you doing that you didn’t get time get this important document.

        2. Even in facing the same problem the OBC caste certificate that iam having is dated 2010 and in call letter they told it should be in format prescribed for recruitment to central govt. Services. Cant figure out what to do. Will they accept the old one it is valid one. My interview is on june16

  40. What are the basic physics questions we can expect ? Please tell me the basic physics areas on which we should give emphasis on

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Previous year question papers are already available on incomopedia. Just go through it to have a better idea.

  41. Hi Sir,
    My interview is on 16th June , please tell me how to prepare for the voice test , as I have not exposed to it . I have seen your post related to it but not that helpful because if we listen to some examples we can come to know how to prepare that . So can you upload some of the examples and other candidate’s experience related to it.
    Thank you.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Just read some magazine loudly and clearly…best way to practice for voice test as you will be asked to read some paragraph only. All the best and share your experience here.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Yes, except a few state owned airports plus airports managed by Indian Air Force. Eg Chandigarh and Allahabad airports are managed by IAF.

    1. sudhir sheoran

      After interview and voice test nothing is left dear. If you qualify it then they will intimate you and let u know the further formalities like medical etc.

    2. sudhir sheoran

      If you qualify interview then nothing is left dear except some formalities like medical test, bobd etc.

  42. Sir, in the interview of atc,will the interview board ask for our resume/cv..
    Is the air traffic control in all airports of india (even the public limited airports) controlled by aai??

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Required documents will already be mentioned in interview letter. CV is not required but I will suggest you to keep an updated cv with you. Good luck for interview and share your experience on my blog to help guys who are preparing for this unique job.

  43. Argha Banerjee

    My interview for the post of JE(ATC) was on 17th May 2016.
    They asked me a lot of questions regarding IAF as I had cleared the PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) in 4 AFSB Varanasi. At the end of the interview they asked me my height. When I told them it was 6 feet he told me ” That is another NOC from me”….. I tried to find out the meaning of NOC in aviation sector . Can you please help me on this??

    1. Hehe…that was in good humour. NOC is required by owners of high-rise buildings nearby the airports, so taking your height into consideration they said so.

  44. Sir, my interview is over.l hv given atleast 8 answers out of 12 question they had I couldn’t give them more discriptive answer what answer I hd come in made I hd after getting interview I thought ” no I Could gave them more good answer bt that time I couldn’t strike those point.I m worried what will be result?interview time was atleast 15 minutes.pls suggest..

    1. sudhir sheoran

      Please share the questions here as well. N no point in getting worried as you can not change anything now.

  45. Sir
    I just saw ‘ATC Exam 2016 – View Your Marks and Answer Sheet Here’ in incomopedia but the link is not working! (it expired). So is the results of ATC Ad 07/2015 out? If its published how can i access mu result? The career page of AAI doesn’t say anything about Ad 07/2015 results!

    1. Link was active for some time before AAI deactivated it. So you need to wait for the result declaration by AAI which is expected in July.

  46. Why the delay in adv 7/2015 atc results?
    Will they send any email after declaring results to check it or will it be just like the way they secretly put and then deactivated the marks check link?
    Tentative dates for result declaration?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      1. Delay is due to ongoing interview for last year recruitment. Let that recruitment be over then they will declare the result. Also it is very difficult to train so many candidates at the same time so delay is inherent. Result is declared by aai on its website. Expected in July. And don’t vent your anger on incomopedia bcz it does not represent AAI.

      1. Thanks.
        And nothing personal against incompomedia. Neither venting anger on you or your site. Just baffled on aai. They didnt even intimated about the result check link. I strongly condemn such irresponsible attitude of aai.

        1. sudhir sheoran

          Ok Miss Sujata/Supriya…cahnces are always 100% until unless result is declared. So keep your fingers crossed. All the best for that. And if possible please share your interview experience and questions here. Thanx in advance.

  47. Chitralekha Lamba

    Sir AAI has increased the no of posts for advt 07/2015 JE ATC from 200 to 400..So sir what are the expected cut off scores now?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      I am not in HR Department of AAI dear that you are asking me exact date. Expect result by 14th July.

  48. Sir I got selected in AAI ATC 03/2015..I already work in TCS..When can I expect joining to come? Notice period of TCS is 3 months. Medical examinaton will be held or only I will have to produce medical certificate?Are there any chances to get rejected after medical test?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      This is better platform than Quora. :p
      1. Joining by July end
      2. You will need to produce medical certificate.
      3. You can be rejected if you have color blindness.

  49. Sir, what is the expected date of for result 07/2015.and atc 03/2015 result has out there is no nname in merit list.can there be extra candidates will be called?

  50. Hi Sir,

    I found my roll number in the list of shortlisted candidates for AAI ATC 03/2015. But I haven’t got any mail from AAI yet confirming the appointment. I am currently working in a software company and my notice period is 2 months. When can I expect the confirmation mail?

      1. Thanks for your reply. Should I not wait till I get proper communication from AAI before I make any decision of leaving my current company?

        1. sudhir sheoran

          Yes you can wait as it will hardly make any changes bcz in any case you won’t get three months period as desired by TCS. Hopefully they will send mails by this week end.

          1. Is there a chance for a revised list to come, which may not include people already there in the present list?

  51. Hi,

    Will the hostel facilities be provided on the day of joining July 25 itself? Will it be possible to stay elsewhere for the first few days and then use the hostel later on?
    One more thing. Could you please explain the medical certificate? Will the medical examination happen there or should we do it here and send them?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      1. Date of joining
      2. Here only…hospital will send itself. You van keep xerox of medical certificate for future reference

      1. Is hostel facility available at Regional Training Centers or do we have to arrange accommodation on our own?

        1. sudhir sheoran

          Have you gone through documents sent to you by AAI? Kindly read those documents carefully…you will have almost no query. For above question read Annexure B, para ( e).

          1. Yes I have read the docs carefully…In Annexure B, para (e) there is one line saying “subject to availability”,
            I know that the CATCs have hostel facility.
            But I want to know if RTCs (more specifically RTC Delhi) also have accommodation facility or not??
            Thank you

            1. sudhir sheoran

              You read it correct…subject to availability so I can’t say whether you will get hostel or not. RTC Delhi doesn’t have this facility

  52. Sir,for ATC advt 03/15,after how many days of joining (25 july) of selected candidates can we expect the second list(waiting list if any)?if u hav any idea,pls tell me.thnks in advance.

  53. Hello sir,
    I have to report at National Institute of Aviation Training and management Gondia on 25 July . Are all 400 candidates reporting there only or some others have also been given CATC Allahabad or some other training center??
    Can you also give some information about NIATAM gondia ( if u know) as not much is given on google. I am concerned whether it is good or bad and at par with CATC allahabad or not?

    Thanking You

  54. Sir,
    My father ( a retired professor of a university) has been on extended reemployment for 2 years as decided by the Government. Is he capable of becoming my surety?
    PFYI (I have been selected by AAI in the second list of candidates.)
    Any help regarding this or the contact details of competent authority who can clear my ambiguity will do me a great favor.

    1. Congratulations !!
      He can be a surety, no issue. For confirmation you can contact any guy who got selected in first list.

  55. Sir,
    I have some queries which I think you will be able to clarify”
    1)My surety happens to be a gazetted officer of State Govt. Is he authorized to be my surety as I noticed in the form “A permanent Govt servant/Officer of the Central Govt/PSU holding Group ‘A’ post or equivalent under his official seal”
    No specification of State Govt is made anywhere
    2) My training center is New ATS complex New Delhi. As I have heard people saying that no accommodations will be provided by AAI , so can you please clarify the ambiguity!

    1. 1. No problem if your surety is State Govt. Officer.
      2. Accommodation is arranged by AAI.

      When are you people joining?

      1. Thank you so much sir!!! I am joining on 20 the Sept 2016!!! Sir can you please clarify whether we need 1 or 2 gazetted officer’ sign and stamp at the end of the service agreement!! If so where should we put the stamp of of my surety

        1. Pls can u share the marks what hd u got?and how was ur interview and time duration of interview.if u do that can be very helpful for me and I will be thankfull.

  56. I got selected for the training in ATC .they told to report to General Manager (ATM), AAI, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata on 20/09/2016 . What should i do next pls guide me sir

    1. They must have sent the letter with all required documents. Plz carry all those documents and report there. that’s all.

  57. Sir I ve been appointed as JEATC in second list
    Right now I m working as Bank Po
    Shall I join r continue as PO
    I ve been posted for training at Ahmedabad my native is karnataka will I be posted on karnataka after training and I ve oly sent sent scanned today mail to is that sufficient for acceptance r shall I go in personal

    1. 1. Both jobs have their own pros and cons. I have written pros and cons of ATC in one of the article. You can compare that with your current job ad decide yourself.
      2. Posting depends on vacancies available at various airports. So no guarantee that you will be posted in Karnataka after your training. However chances are that you get posting in South India.

      3. You only need to send email. No personal visit required.

  58. Sir,
    I hope you are doing well. Sorry to bother you again. Need some clarification regarding the last page of the service document. It states signature and stamp of 2 gazetted officers ( is it including that of my surety) if not where would my surety put his signature and stamp?

      1. Dear Sudhir Sir! Thank you very much for all the kind efforts you have put in in clarifying the doubts about ATC.
        Dear sir! I have applied for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer post at Air India and as per the notification the GATE qualified students with percentile of 80 above will have to appear for direct interview.Could you please help me out with regard to preparation?

    1. Provisional degree is not enough. Final degree is required. Interview call letter will be containing all details related to required documents. Nothing to worry.

  59. Sir,I have prior experience in voice process for Electronic Arts. Do you think this might give me a tiny advantage towards JE ATC? Waiting for interview dates and venue though.

    1. Venue is most likely to be Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. And Voice test is just a formality in my opinion, just to find out if any candidate is stammering or not, so its your knowledge especially about Aviation, going to help you in interview. Good luck.

  60. You are really wonderful sir,and i’m very thankful to you for kept all information in very detailed manner about aai atc voice test and interview.Thank you very much sir.INCOMOPEDIA is just WIKIPEDIA about ATC EXAM,very very helpful sir.

    1. It does not matter whether you are from a specific branch or not. Prepare the common topics like aviation, GK, Physics concepts, Aircraft working etc. More questions generally asked are available on incomopedia. You can read the interview series available on incomopedia for that.

  61. Sir, what type of general awareness questions they might be asked,for how many days current affairs should i read and also post the recent aviation accidents news

    1. I have added some of the questions in one of the articles, you can take a clue from that. Last one year aviation news should be sufficient.

  62. Hi sir, I want to know what all sort of questions can be asked in je cargo interview, please help I am totally clueless about it.

    1. Sorry brother, no clue about Cargo interview. I would suggest you to read about Cargo industry, related news, about AAI and its operations etc. All the best.

  63. Sir
    I am having my interview on 30th March 2017. Along with the certificates they are asking to bring admit card of the onlone examination conductrd on 24th april 2016. But i have lost it somewhere. Will they allow me to give my voice test and interview?

    1. You can try to convince them, it should be that big issue. Prepare well about interview. You must have also got admit card on your email, get a print out of that.

  64. Debalina Chatterjee

    Sir I have interview for the post of ATC on this 9/3/17 . Sir I have not yet received my M.SC. degree certificate as I am a migrated student from Calcutta University. I have applied for it but it will require 1.5 months to come in hand. Otherwise all the mark sheets and other relevant certificates are ready. Sir I just want to know will it cause any problem?

    1. sudhir sheoran

      They are interested only in your B.Sc. degree and not M.Sc. so not having M.Sc. degree is not an issue. Good luck.

  65. Sir,
    I gave AAI ATC exam and I got interview call also but I missed my admit card. I have application form and interview call letter. Whether they will allow to give interview ??

    1. Take a printout of Whatever you have application form/interview call letter and all AAI emails you have got and appear there. They will allow you. Just convince them in case needed.

      1. They hadn’t checked my admit card in previous I think u should hv with atleast supporting documents..

  66. when i was applying for the exam i was under ncl..but now it’s changed due to the increase of my mom’s salary? will it affect my interview?

  67. Hi Sir,
    I have given the online test for Sr. Asst. (Electronics) on 31.03.17 so when could except the result for the same.

    Thanx in advance Sir

  68. I have cleared the interview for JR Ex (ATC) (7/2015 exam). Any idea by what time link for downloading offer of appointment will be available? Will they send an email?

  69. I have got the offer letter for Jr Ex. (ATC) under the advt. 7/2015.
    I want to know whether everyone need to fill the assets and liabilities form (annexure L) or is it only for those already working in public sector?

  70. Sir, from where I should read the physics for atc exam and what will be the expected date for next rectt for atc. I’m eagerly waiting for it.

  71. sir can you tell me y aai is delaying in publishing advertisement for atc posts ?last year vacancy didnt come ?will we except by this year or not and if yes then when ?

    1. I am expecting a recruitment this year but honestly I don’t know when It would happen. Although I expected the same last year but nothing happened.

  72. sir will atc conduct online exam anymore because every notification that are coming out requires gate marks and when can we expect the next airport je operation notification

  73. sir will aai recruit without gate anymore or every recruitment will be through gate now onwards and when can we expect airport je operations notification

  74. Adhithya Narayanan

    Do AAI conduct interviews? Or is it just online exam and voice test alone? I saw few websites stating that the interview has been scrapped since 2015 for the post of Junior executive. Please clarify.

  75. Sir, in the latest July 2018 notification of AAI for 908 vacancies, it is mentioned about ATC that, after online exam, there will be voice test to judge a candidate written and spoken English of +2 level. However, there is no mention of interview.

    I would like to ask, as of this moment, is there any interview round (Compulsory) for AAI ATC Junior executive post ?
    Would be grateful for this clarification.

  76. Hi I want to know if I am not able to crack the interview for the first time so I have to appear for the whole process again or just for the interview??

      1. As the notification has been released for recruitment of AAI and the competition has also increased in 2020? do they conduct interview for JE(ATC)?
        But they didn’t mentioned about interview for JE(ATC) in the notification. Please do reply.

  77. Sir,
    According to the answer key my score is 90 for the post of ATC, though I don’t know the normalized marks. Is there any chance for me to get selected?


  79. Hello sir,

    I am preparing for Interview for the post of Manager (Electronics). What could be possible topics to prepare? Suggest plz


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