JE-ATC Recruitment 2023 | Commonly Asked Questions and Their Answers

I wear spectacles, does that make me unfit for becoming ATC? What will be my salary during training period? Hello ATC aspirants, do you have any such question on your mind? Well, I have tried to answer commonly asked questions by JE-ATC aspirants in this post and hope you will find it helpful. AAI every year or two releases notification for the post of JE-ATC but many questions left unanswered in their notification. Here are some frequently asked questions and their detailed answers about JE-ATC recruitment –

1 . Can Final Year Students Apply for JE-ATC Exam?

A final year student can apply for JE-ATC exam but the only condition is that you have to produce final year passing exam result at the time of document verification. Document verification is done  for the candidates who qualify the online written exam. So basically we can say that it should be ‘final semester’ (not final year) as its semester based system followed by educational institutes in India. Considering the timing of this recruitment (Advt No. 02/2022), those who have already given their final semester exam or are giving exam by June/July 2022 can apply. But if you are in 5th semester (of B.Sc.) or 7th semester (of B.E. or B.Tech.), then practically there is no point of applying for the exam, however if you are seriously considering to become an ATC officer, then you can apply and have an experience of exam, level of questions etc.

2. Is There Any Experience Requirement for JE-ATC Post Conducted by AAI?

 As per notification issued by AAI for JE-ATC recruitment, no experience is essential.

3. What are The Criterion for PWD Candidates for Applying to JE-ATC Exam?

This is the first time that AAI has released the ATC vacancies for PWD candidates. There are total 4 vacancies and AAI has mentioned various categories of disability identified suitable for the post of JE-ATC. These conditions are as: Sitting (S), Standing (ST), Bending (BN), Hearing (H), Communication (C), Reading and Writing (RW), Seeing (SE) and Manipulation by Fingers (MF). All these conditions are required for working as an Air Traffic Controller. More details regarding PWD can be found on these websites :

4. Can Candidates Who Have Done diploma and Then Engineering Apply for ATC Exam?

There are many students who get admission in Diploma courses after 12th class. On completion of their 3 years diploma courses, many of these students get admission in second year of B.E./B.Tech. Though AAI does not specifically mentioned anything about such cases, but it is learnt that such students can apply for the JE-ATC exam. The only requirement is that they must have studies Maths and Physics during their first year in Diploma. This will be checked at the time document verification. Document verification will be done for candidates who qualify the online exam.

5. Is 60% Marks Criterion Needs to be Followed for All Semesters?

 You need not to have 60% marks in each of the semester but overall your passing percentage should be at least 60%. Also remember that there is no rounding-off permitted e.g. 59.99% will not be considered as 60%. Also it has been clearly mentioned by AAI that you must have pursued your graduation degree on regular basis i.e. degree done with distance mode of education will not be considered (except for departmental candidates).

6. Can a Candidate Apply for the JE-ATC Post if He/She Possesses a B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. Degree Through part-time/Correspondence/Distance Education Mode?

Yes, a B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. degree through part-time/correspondence/distance education mode is acceptable but this is applicable for only those candidates who are regular employees of Airports Authority of India. These candidates are known as departmental candidates.

7. What is the Age Criterion for Various Categories and What is the Cut-off date Used for Age Calculation?

The cut-off date for the purpose of calculation of age is the last date of applying for the JE-ATC post i.e. 14.07.2022 (for AAI advt no. 02/2022). Maximum permissible age for different categories is as:

  1. For General: 27 Years
  2. For OBC (Non-creamy layer): 30 Years
  3. For OBC not in non-creamy layer i.e. having annual income more than 8 lakhs: 27 Years
  4. SC/ST: 32 Years
  5. PWD: 37 Years
  6. For Regular employees of AAI: 37 Years
  7. Ex-serviceman: As per rules and regulation issued by Govt of India ( )

The existing rule regarding age relaxation for ex-serviceman says: For appointment to vacancies reserved for Ex-Servicemen in Group B(Non- Gazetted), Group Cor Group Dposts in Central Government, an Ex-Servicemen shall be allowed to deduct the period of actual military service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.

8.Will There be Separate Exam for B.Sc/B.Sc.(Engg.) and BE/B.Tech. Candidates?

 There will be only common exam for candidates having B.Sc. or B.E./B.Tech. degree. To keep it level playing field for both the streams, the question paper is designed in such a way that it has questions from common syllabus taught in B.Sc. or B.E./B.Tech. Considering the facts that in almost all of the institutes/universities candidates study Maths and Physics during first year, exam will be having questions from 11th, 12th and first year Mathematics and Physics.

9. What is ICAO Language Minimum Proficiency Level 4?

 As per notification by AAI “on selection candidate shall also attain ICAO language minimum proficiency level 4 (Operational) for the purpose of issue of license or rating. Any candidate who is not able to attain ICAO proficiency level 4 or above during the training, his/her services are liable to be terminated.” So what is this level 4? To clarify this, let me show you ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale wherein it is clearly mentioned what is expected from the test taker for different proficiency levels:ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale

Although the above image is self-explanatory, it can be understood that the candidates should be able to speak English fluently without stammering or long pauses. It does not mean that you have to be a public speaker or great orator but able to converse in English that too clearly. You are not required to be Shashi Tharoor for this which means vast vocabulary or British/US accent are not a criteria to achieve level 4. Also AAI provides classes to improve English language proficiency during the initial training once you get selected in AAI.


Reference:Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation-Personnel Licensing.

(see 1.2.9 Language Proficiency and Appendix A – Language Proficiency Rating Scale)

10. What is expected From a Test Taker to Achieve Level 4 in ICAO English Language Proficiency Test?

To achieve English language proficiency Level 4, applicant shall demonstrate the ability to:

  • Communicate effectively in voice-only and in face-to-face situations;
  • Communicate on common and work-related topics with accuracy and clarity;
  • Use appropriate communicative strategies to exchange messages and to recognise and resolve misunderstandings in a general or work-related context;
  • Handle successfully the linguistic challenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn of events which occurs within the context of a routine work situation or communicative task with which they are otherwise familiar; and,
  • Use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to the aeronautical community.

11. When should I expect Exam?

You should have a time of around 2 months after the last date of online application to prepare for exam. Last date of applying online is 14th August so expect exam in Either August or September.

12. Do I Need to Have Studied Physics and Maths in all the 3 Years of Graduation to be Eligible for ATC Exam?

No. Physics and Mathematics should be subjects in any one of the semester curriculum.

13. I Have -8D(OR -4D or Whatever) Eye Power Which is Corrected Using Spectacles. Will I Face Problems?

It should be 6/6 with or without glasses.

14. I have Red Green Color Blindness (STRONG DEUTAN ). Can a Color Blind Person can Join ATC and Handle Only Administrative Work?

Color blindness is not allowed at all in a safety-oriented job like ATC where you will be working in front of so many screens with different colored data blocks. Color blindness beyond a limit makes you unfit for the ATC job. Administrative work will come into picture only when you will get medical fitness certificate from Doctor prior to joining AAI. You can take a chance if you want.

15. What Class of Medical Certificate is Required to Become an ATC? What Should I Expect in Medical Exam?

You should be Class 3 medical fit to become ATC. Basic tests such as Audiometry, Urine, ECG, BP, Blood sugar and logMAR Acuity tests can be expected during medical examination. You should not be worried as far as you don’t have respiratory disorder or physical disability with prime organs. Eye conditions have been discussed in previous questions.

16. Is There Any Height and Weight Criteria in Medical Fitness Test for ATC?


17. Can We Appear for JE(ATC) and Other Posts, if Eligible, for the Same Recruitment Cycle?

Yes you can apply if eligible. Exam should be on different date or at least different session.

18. What will be Duration of Initial Training Period ? Will AAI Consider Newly Recruited JE to Post Near to Their Hometown ?

Duration of training will be Approx 6 months. Initial posting depends on requirement of AAI based on vacancies at various airports. They try to give you home region but it is not always feasible.

19. How Many Permissible Leave JE(ATC) Gets in a year? Is There any “Leave Without Pay” Facility for JE(ATC)??

JE(ATC) gets 12CL(Casual Leave) + gazetted holidays. LWP under certain circumstances is available. 30 EL(Earned Leave) are also given. Various other leaves are also admissible.

20. What is the Bond Amount a New Recruit Needs to Pay? What if Someone Wish to Leave job Before 3 Years? Is the Bond Amount Transferable? 

You will need to sign a bond of 500000 Rupees while joining AAI (executive job in ATM or CNS areas). AAI has capped a 3 year tenure to escape the bond payout. If you leave job with in 6 months, you will have to pay 5 lakhs + actual expenditure on your training. After one year, you will have to shell out 5 lakhs rupees. If you want to quit job with in 2 years, an amount of 4 lakhs rupees is needed to be paid and amount gets reduced to 3 lakhs if you quit job with in 3 years. AAI do it to recover the cost of training. AAI spend a lot of money on high skilled training process and they don’t want you to leave the organisation for other jobs.

The bond amount is not transferable to any other Govt. Dept and PSU.

21. What Will be Salary During Training?

Salary will be around 50000 Rupees per month during Training.

You did not get your doubt cleared? No worries. Comment below and we will try to answer it as soon as possible.


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