AAI ATC Recruitment 2016 | Apply for 220 Junior Executive Posts

I am here once again, this time with great news for those who want to become a Junior Executive in Airports Authority of India (AAI). AAI has recently announced to fill up 220 vacancies of Junior Executive in various disciplines viz. Civil Engg., Electrical Engg., Information Technology (IT) and Airport Operations (AO) vide its Recruitment Advertisement No. 02/2016. The exam is expected to be held in July 2016.

The complete details of the AAI Junior Executive recruitment are as:

 1. The Employer Organization

AAI is a Mini-Ratna (Category-1) Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the aegis of Ministry of Civil Aviation; Govt. of India. It was constituted under an Act of Parliament on April 1, 1995 by merging erstwhile National Airports Authority of India (NAAI) and International Airports Authority of India (IAAI). AAI has the responsibility to manage almost all of the airports in India, to provide Air Navigation Services of vast Indian Airspace (along with areas over Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal).

2. Details of Vacancies

There are total 220 vacancies which have been categorised as per reservation rules decided by Govt. of India. The table shows vacancies in the four disciplines of AAI:

AAI ATC vacancy details 2016

3. Pay Scale and Expected Salary:

The Pay Scale offered by AAI for the Junior Executive (JE) post is 16400-3%-40500 (E1).  In addition to Basic pay, Dearness Allowance, Perks@ 46% of Basic pay, HRA and other benefits includes CPF, Gratuity, Social Security Schemes, Pension, Medical benefits etc. are admissible as per AAI Rules/Regulations.
The Cost-to-company (CTC) per annum would be around INR 6.91 lakhs approximately.

More about Salary of Junior Executive in AAI can be read here: (Note: Just omit Rating Allowances part as it is paid only to ATC and CNS Executives):

4. Educational Criteria:

Junior Executive (Civil): B.E./B.Tech. with at least 60% marks is required in Civil Engineering Stream.

Junior Executive (Electrical): B.E./B.Tech. with at least 60% marks is required in Electrical Engineering Stream.

(Note: It is quite ambiguous to mention only the word ‘Electrical’, however my interpretation is that All the engineering degrees that have got mentioned the term ‘Electrical’ e.g. Electrical and Electronics Engineering ).

Junior Executive (IT): 

a. B.E./B.Tech with at least 60% marks in IT (Information Technology) or CSE (Computer Engg./Science).


b. Full time regular Master of Computer Applications (MCA) with at least 60%.

Junior Executive (Airport Operations) :

a. B.Sc. + Full-time regular MBA with at least 60% marks.


b. Full-time B.E./B.Tech. in any discipline with at least 60% marks.

Only Indian Nationals who have one of the following educational qualifications (with minimum 60% marks) can apply for the post of Junior Executive in AAI.

5. Age Criteria:

 AAI has put a cap on the maximum age of the candidates on the basis of categories. The maximum age as on 31.05.2016 (including age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC (NCL) is 27 years for General category, 30 years for OBC category and 32 years for SC/ST categories.

6. Selection Procedure:

The complete details regarding the recruitment are also published on AAI’s official website aai.aero . The Selection Procedure is divided in two steps:

  • Written Examination.
  • Interview

1. Written Examination:
Stay tuned for syllabus and reference books for the written exam. You can subscribe on Incomopedia so that you do not miss latest about the AAI JE Exam.

2. Interview:
It will be a panel interview. Interview is conducted to test candidate’s communication skills, academic knowledge and various other qualities which are a must for performing duty in AAI.

7. Application Fee

There is an application fee (non-refundable) of INR 1000 for the Male candidates from General and OBC categories; females and SC/ST Category candidates have been exempted from payment of fee. The fee is to be deposited through system generated challan at any of the State Bank of India’s branch.

8. Important Dates

  • Opening Date for On-Line Registration of Application:   18th April, 2016
  • Last date for Completion of Step-I of On-Line Registration : 17th May, 2016 
  • Last date for depositing application fee at State Bank of India (SBI): 20th May, 2016 (Banking Hours)
  • Last date for completion of Step-II of On-Line Registration and
    submission of complete application:  24th May, 2016 (1800 Hours)
  • Expected date of Online Exam: July , 2016

10. How to Apply

Interested candidates are required to apply through online method at the website:www.aai.aero . Go to Career section and then select online recruitment. No application through any other mode will be accepted.

It is going to be a two-step process:

Step 1: Candidates are required to fill up the personal details, provide educational qualifications etc. A challan will be generated at the end of this step. Candidate will be required to deposit the application fee using this challan.

Step 2: Candidate need to submit details of the payment of the application fee. Upload photo and signature and submit the application.

The interested candidates can access the online application form from 09:30 hours on 18-04-2016 to 17:30 hours on 17-05-2016.

Syllabus for the exams against these post can be read here.


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145 thoughts on “AAI ATC Recruitment 2016 | Apply for 220 Junior Executive Posts”

  1. Sir i feel very thankfull for u valuble information….I was disqualified in AAI ATC exam with 2 less marks 🙁
    now i seriously want to prepare for this executive exam so i need your help…can u suggest me any material which are helpfull for the exam!!!!
    thank you

  2. Sir, I want to know , Is there any work experience requirement to be eligible for these posts?

  3. thanku sir advt 02/2016…sir can u pls tell me the syllabus for this post becz its not mentioned on website

  4. thanku sir for adv 02/2016 …
    can u pls tell the syllabus for this …i couldn’t find it on website
    waiting for ur response

  5. I am a student of b.tech ECE .. can i apply for aai je(airport operations) post.. and pls do tell us the syllabus..IS THERE ANY GATE QUALIFY CRITERIA FOR THESE POSTS??

    pls reply soon..

  6. Sir thanks a lot!!
    But i want to know when will be the next atc exam..
    I did not apply this time..
    Thanks again Sir.

  7. Hello , Sir

    I am a B.Tech ECE Graduate.
    Electronics & Communication engineering is not mentioned under Qualification for Posts.
    Am I eligible to apply for JE-Electrical and JE (Airport Operation) ?
    If yes, Can I apply for both ?
    If not, Which one am I eligible for ?


      1. sir i am student of computer science so syllabus of written is similar like
        1st will be of 60 marks of basic maths and physics
        2nd will be basic english and aptitude
        it will be like we cse students will get technical question from computer science domain i mean data structure, c,theory of computations ,computer architecture

        Please clarify sir my exam is 24th april for junior ATC

        1. Question paper will b same for everyone irrespective of branch. Phy and Maths only in tech portion

  8. hello sir, for airport operations they have mentioned —–“For the post of Airport Operations, LMV license is essential. ”

    could u please tell in detail what is LMV LICENCE?

  9. Sir, Could u please tell me the syllabus for JE(Airport Operations) and how can i prepare for the exam since i am a B.tech Computer Science Holder unaware about the airport operations terms?

  10. Sir,it is written in the admit card that that answered question must marked for review for evaluation .Is it necessary to marked the answer for review after anwering it,I am not getting it.

    It is written as:- If a
    question is answered and Marked for Review, your answer for that question will be considered in the evaluation.

    If an answer is selected
    for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation.

    What does it mean please make it clear sir!

    1. A question will be evaluated:
      1. If u have answered a question and marked for review.
      2. If you have answered a question, saved it.

      It is not compulsory to mark each and every question for review. Just review those questions which you are doubtful about

  11. Thanks a lot for your valuable information Sir . I am B.E EEE graduate. Can i apply for JE Electrical and Airport operations.. I mean both..
    Thank You Sir..

      1. Thank You Sir..
        But can you please tell us about the nature of the job?
        How will our day to day life be like?
        Is it interesting? 🙂

  12. sir what is this second phase interview ,,,,,, i had appeared in the interview ,,,,,……….. Have i need to again give interview?

  13. sir,
    i have already given my interview in the first phase on 11th of march….i checked the revised key and my marks got incremented by 2…will these incremented marks be taken into account when aai makes the total of written and interview marks…?
    in the link given to view our normalised marks, i m getting my previous marks only…hasnt it got updated yet…?
    sir, are there any chances to increase the number of vacancies…?i came to know that aai calls the candidates in the ratio 1 : 2.5 for the interview…now as the number of candidates called for the interview got increased…will the vacancies also be increased..?

    1. 1. Yes.
      2. Might have not been updated.
      3. Vacancies are not likely to be increased irrespective of number of candidates called for interview

  14. sir,
    what are the present cutoffs on the basis of which additional 1200+ candidates are called..?

    1. It is to be declared by AAI. Most probable Reason for second phase is simple: Wrong evaluation of answer sheets.

  15. sir, i got a msg frm AAI
    “Due to unavoidable admn. reasons the V.Test/Interview for JE(ATC) scheduled from 18.4.16 onwards stands cancelled.Fresh dates will be intimated separately.”
    sir is there any chance they cancel interview call or something for some candidate? :0

    1. Yes…for me it should be a fresh list with eligible candidates based on correct evaluation of answer sheets.

  16. sir,
    They are asking for b.tech stream , syllabus in tech section will be from physics and maths or from b.tech stream

  17. Hi sir,
    I’m from BE ECE background.I Hve got my AAI JE ATC exam on 24th april 2016. Hw will be my technical questions?whether from phy&maths or Electronics?

  18. Hi Sir,
    What is the syllabus for ATC (Operations). Is it same as ATC JE Non Technical or different?
    Thank you

  19. Sir AAI cancelled 2nd phase interview ,now how many candidate will call for interview in new list ?and i got 79 marks according to new answer key.is there any chance for interview call??


    greetings sir,, the registration for JE airport operations is started. and almost everyone is looking at this blog atleast 2 to 3 times a day for getting information about syllabus of JE AIRPORT OPERATIONS…. I know it will be irritating for u to hear this again and again. but kindly try to gather information about syllabus of airport operations sir… it helps many aspiring students… the website consists syllabus of DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER AND MANGER POSTS AIRPORT OPERATIONS…. will the JUNIOR EXECUTIVE AIRPORT OPERATIONS ALSO BE SIMILAR TO THAT SYLLABUS OR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT????

  21. Please throw some light on work profile of JE(AO) as very less information is available on internet for posts other than (ATC).

    1. There are a lot of things happening on any airport. AO is related to bay management, taking care of facilities, coordination with other agencies etc. Good post to get selected.

  22. Sir, I applied for AAI 02/2016 JE(Electrical). I wish to know the complete syllabus of electrical and also the textbook/ study material to follow.

  23. For the advt 7/2015, exam is on 24 April and syllabus is physics maths English……., so can we consider the same syllabus for the advt 02/2016 ?
    One more question, JE ATC and JE airport operation both have same post or different?, if different then what are the job roles of airport operation employee?

    1. 1. In my opinion syllabus will be different
      2. Different
      3. Just google it to have better idea

  24. hello sir ,
    sir i have learning driving licence . Can i apply for airport operation . sir please tell syllabus for airport operation .

  25. Hey,
    Is it that syllabus for Juniour Executive – Airport Operations will be only Maths and Science, and Aptitude, English etc. Can I get the exact syllabus and exam pattern from you.


  26. As the syllabus of junior executive (AO) is not available. Is it possible that the syllabus would be same as that of JE ATC?

  27. Sir,
    I am a BSc graduate and no MBA. Therefore, I am not eligible according to the new notification mentioned in Advertisement No. 02/2016. Will there be any notification like Advertisement No. 07/2015 in the near future that could provide opportunities to BSc graduates or is it that the required criteria in new Advertisement No. 02/2016 JE(Airport Operations) is just the modified form of Advertisement No. 07/2015 for all ATC exams to be held in future? Please explain. The new notification Advertisement No. 02/2016 is different from Advertisement No. 07/2015 in terms of eligibility and syllabus as the latter included only physics and maths in technical section.

    Thank you.

  28. sir i want to know about je airport operation and syallbus for this post
    can u just tell me?

  29. Chitralekha Lamba

    Sir, can I apply for 2 posts? I am a btech (cse) student and I want to apply for both Junior Executive (Information technology) and Junior Executive (Airport Operations). So, can I apply for both the posts?

  30. Chitralekha Lamba

    Sir, I’m not able to find the link for online registration and online application form for advt 02/2016. I clicked the careers tab but only instructions are available there and there is no link for registration.Sir, please guide me.

  31. Hello sir,u r doing a grt work..
    I hv a query. i hv completed BE(IT).cn i apply for two posts as i m eligible for both..is there any chance of Xm crashes den?n syllabus plz..i’ll b waiting

    1. 1. Yes you can.
      2. AAI usually makes sure that exam dates don’t clash.
      3. Wait for syllabus. M trying to get authentic one.


    hello sir,, after lot of search for the syllabus of AIRPORT OPERATIONS, I found this following site citing the syllabus and material of airport operations…


    1. That is the data copied from AAI’s website. I am not sure that it is the material that is to be asked in the exam. Just wait for some time for authentic syllabus and in the mean time prepare thoroughly for non-tech part.

  33. sai venu gopal reddy


  34. Can you please tell us about the probable topics or syllabus apart from gk,english,appti,reasoning that may come in AIRPORT OPERATIONS QUESTION PAPER.

    1. Waiting for confirmed and authentic syllabus from AAI. Will upload as and when I get it.

      1. OK!! confirmed and authentic is great but something of a guess such that we can start preparing.

    1. you cannot compare apple with bananas. Both are very different jobs in nature. ATC is much prestigious job but it comes with a lot of responsibilities and in-built stress.

  35. sir,
    whats the difference between JE(ELECTRICAL) and JE(ATC)..? I mean the type of responsibilities they hold?

    1. electrical: will handle electrical related work like taking care of aerodrome ground lights etc.
      ATC: will take care of aircraft.

      1. Sir as per the notification of JE,my age as on 31.05.2016 is 27 years 1 month..is i am eligible for the post..plz reply soon.

  36. Sir it is mentioned in advt 02\2016 that LMV license is essential only for JE(AO) post.Why a driving license is mandatory?

  37. Sir, After I applied 02/2016, I got 3 Chellan payment receipt one bank copy, other to be retained by applicant & AAI copy (to be sent to DSIIDC). What is that third one means. Is it to be sent to AAI ?

    1. Apply and in the mean time try to get the license bcz learning license will not solve your problem.

  38. sir,
    what is the syllabus for je electrical. Is it from physics nd maths or from electrical subjects…?

    1. It will not be available as AAI has history of taking back question paper after completion of exam.


    sir i am nt able to complete my step II part of the registration for adv 02/2016.i have completed the step I part a week ago bt still have nt got any link for step II.plzz help

    1. Read instructions carefully before trying for second step. It is not that difficult.

  40. Greetings of the day. Please let me know about the exam date for JE in IT . Also the expected exam date for the exam. Any resource for the preparation for JE IT

    Thanks !!

  41. Any suggestions on topics to cover or subjects for JE IT. When will AAI is going to upload the syllabus for same.

    1. COver the topics asked in GATE although level of questions will be much easier.
      Only AAI knows.

  42. Dharmendra Kumar Prajapati

    I am the Final year student of Bachelor of Engineering.I am registering for junior executive(Airport Operation).Please confirm me about the syllabus for this post. I want to know “May I also registered for the post of Junior Executive(IT).

    1. I am expecting it to be GATE subjects questions..total 60 with medium level of difficulty. 60 questions of non tech portion.

    1. ironically it is not available…poor display of recruitment process by AAI that candidates don’t even have the information regarding what to be prepared for the exam. Extremely painful !!

  43. Anyone plz tell me,, what is d detailed syllabus of aai(airport operations) for electronics students??

    1. It is civil related work only…construction of runways, taxiways, apron building etc. What else can we expect from a civil engineer?

      1. I have to ask so many things about AAI junior executive profile can we talk on email?

        1. Write all the questions pointwise here and I will reply (if I know the answers)

  44. Sir,
    1.Is the result of 07/2015 JE(ATC) held on 24/4/16 published ? If not when it will be publish ?
    2. When will be the exam date for 02/2016 JE ?

  45. Sir, Can you please tell me when will the result of JE SSC held on 31/01/2016 will publish?

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